What’s your itch?

I believe that humans are designed uniquely and have value to offer the world.  Somewhere deep inside is a desire to create change, to help others and to make a difference.  There are many ways to discovery around your own passion and unique ability, but I would like to discuss one clue here today.  That idea is what raises the hair on your neck about the world around you.  What injustices do you see? What change and impact do you wish you could make?  How do you want to make things better for those around you?

I personally have epiphanies on a occasion, but fail to write them down.  So here are some challenges I see and wish I could solve.

  • Ants marching.  Work should not suck.  I agree, work is work, but it we bring to it a positive attitude and real personality to the table, things get more interesting.  We are individuals, bring your whole self to the work place.  I can complain here, because I am quick to be the chameleon.
  • Teaching to the test.  Our education system is flawed.  Something bothers me deeply about the trajectory of students.  I loathe teaching to the test, while our children fail to learn to think, how to relate and how to add value.  I also find it unsettling that the cost for education is huge.
  • Littering.  It may seem petty, but for some reason it really gets under my skin when I see someone throw trash out the window.  I mean come on!
  • Sitting on the sidelines.  I have kids and they are involved in a multitude of activities that require volunteer leadership.  It bothers me when I see the volume of complaints and chatter towards these leaders.  If you want to see change, step up.

These are all large challenges and when I look at making a difference, it feels a bit like trying to solve for world hunger.  Yet, the words of Andy Stanley, pop into my mind when I think about this stuff, “Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone.”

What about you?  What do you wish you could change? What’s your itch?  Now go make a difference for one person.


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