
Change Resistance Formula

Dissatisfaction with the current situation * Vision of what could be * Clear first step > Resistance to change

Trust Formula

(Authenticity + Vulnerability)*Credibility = Trust

Formula: Key Result

[To] [Action Verb] [Desired Result] [Measurement or Event] [Performance Standard]  by [Timeframe] For example, To Increase Customer Satisfaction [Outcome] Score [Measurement] to 90% [Performance Standard] by the end of this year [Timeframe].

Formula: Objective

(Purpose) (Issue) (Object) (Viewpoint) For example, Improve (purpose) the timeliness (issue) of the change request process (object) according to the project manager (viewpoint).    

Formula: Vision Statement

To (action verb) (object needing change)(action verb) (desired end result) (so that) What’s the problem? What needs to be done? What’s the solution? What’s the reason? Why is it important? Compelling reason. If we don’t… Read More »Formula: Vision Statement