Leavin’ Song

For my Big Bird….
We packed your bags
It was a perfect fit
Your clothes tied up nice
Just like you imagined it
I can’t believe today’s already come
5 lbs you were a miracle
A subtle smile
At times you came undone
You’re older now
I’m proud of you
Daddy’s girl
I wish your dreams true
I won’t lie
It’s hard you know
To watch your baby girl
Be set free and grow

You see when you lose a part of you

It breaks your heart it tears your soul
I can’t believe today’s already come
I’ll be fine
Don’t worry about me
I’ll close my eyes
And there you’ll be
Spinning round
The kitchen square
Falling down in your underwear
Do your best
Clean up your mess
I’ll be here
when you need an ear
So dance little girl
Go get your dream
I miss you now
And you haven’t left
I can’t believe today’s already come