The butterfly effect and why a single action can change everything.

The butterfly effect states that at the single flutter of a butterfly’s wings a hurricane can be put into motion.  I believe the same is true when it comes to those things in our life that we want to accomplish but we just keep putting off.  Take for instance the desire to start working out.  How long have you been saying “I want to workout.  I know I need to.  I just can’t find the time.”  I think many people stall because the thought of working out for an entire hour or waking up early to get outside or finding a gym is mentally overwhelming.  We get caught up in the planning trap and never take action.  We read, we ponder, we talk, but we never move…and frankly we just feel down on ourselves.  I’ve found the secret sauce to overcoming these obstacles.  It’s so simple that you will be inclined to not do it, but if you do it and do it consistently soon enough you will find yourself in the middle of a hurricane, so ingrained in your goal that you will be caught by surprise and wonder how it even happened.  Are you ready?  Ask yourself what’s the single smallest action that you could take that moves you toward your goal?  If it’s working out, do 1 pushup, walk for 1 minute, do 10 jump jacks.  Just get yourself moving.  Then do it again.  If you want to start a business, but have no ideas, write down 1 thing that bothers you today.  If you want to write, write 1 word.  Then do it again.  Keep doing the simple, I guarantee it the simple will begin to grow.  It’s physics.  An object in motion tends to stay in motion.  The key is creating motion.  A simple motion.  That’s it.  Now go start a storm.

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