Your mess is mine

I think Hannah Montana had it right. Nobody is perfect.

Intuitively knowing this, we still hold ourselves to a higher standard. A standard of truth, justice and morality. We act as though perfection is achievable and anything short of it is unacceptable.

We feel the pressure to perform. We fear the judgement of others. We want to measure up.

We hide our messes. (Here’s one of mine)

Be very careful when shoving the next thing in ...

Be very careful when shoving the next thing in …

I am finding that in the gap between my mess and perfection there is comfort in my imperfection. In sharing my mess, I find that I am human. I have connection to others. A connection that comes from a recognition that there is something bigger than me. Bigger than us.

So, I celebrate my messes and I celebrate yours. Your mess is mine.

I am a mess because I am human. I am ok with that.